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What Are The Disadvantages Of Business Administration?

When you are considering the career you should pursue, there are many factors to take into account such as your passion for the topic, the demand for such roles in the work environment, the prospect for growth, knowing what the benefits or possible downfalls of pursuing that degree are, and the careers that you could follow with this degree.

Additionally, what may be considered a disadvantage in the field you are studying, may be a benefit to someone else. It is therefore extremely important to consider all of the options, and what opportunities you have that may ease the effects of any possible disadvantage.

Every career prospect and degree course presents advantages and disadvantages and a business administration degree is not excluded. Whether it is the cost of the degree, the time commitments, or the potential jobs you may pursue, there are many things to consider.

Let us delve into some of the possible disadvantages that you may face if you pursue a business administration degree.

Are There Advantages In Studying For A Degree In Business Administration?

While discussing the disadvantages that one may encounter when pursuing a business administration degree, it would be remiss not to discuss the positive aspects and the benefits and advantages of pursuing this degree.

Given its versatility, there are a lot of benefits and jobs that one could pursue once they have obtained this degree. At the forefront, the benefits you will find are that you will develop and hone in specific business-related skills.

You will be able to lead a large organization, communicate effectively, apply in enforcing different business structures that would best suit an organization's demands, and you would be able to specialize in finances, human resources, business management, and marketing to name a few.

While it would seem obvious that there are many benefits in studying toward a business administration degree, knowing what the possible shortfalls or disadvantages are may better equip you in deciding if this is the path you should take for your career.

Disadvantages Of A Business Administration Degree

The reason for pointing out and highlighting possible downsides of a degree is for those who are hoping to make an informed decision about their future and career.

When you consider how great the decision is when choosing what academic career to pursue, and when you consider that this will dictate the path your life will follow later on, the stakes are pretty high. But knowing what you will need to put into your degree and qualification will make your future and your career seem more worthwhile.

It also allows you to pursue a career out of passion and not out of obligation. You see, when you know what goes into a degree, and when you know what the advantages and disadvantages are, you can pursue your qualification relentlessly knowing you made the best decision for your future.

Here are some of the disadvantages of pursuing a business administration degree:

Financial Investment And Cost

No degree or tertiary education comes without a financial cost, whether it is in traveling costs, residential costs, or the costs of your academic coursework and resources. In the case of a business administration degree, the costs attached to tuition fees, especially at private universities, can be quite high.

Additionally, if you choose to further your studies and pursue an MBA or a doctorate in business administration, these costs will ultimately increase and are liable to be paid year on year.

However, there are ways to accommodate and deal with the sometimes hefty fees. Aside from saving toward your education or pursuing this degree while you are working, you could consider seeking out financial aid options and bursaries which will not only assist you financially, but it will also keep you motivated to maintain a high average to consistently qualify for such bursaries and financial aid.

Time Commitment

Considering that a bachelor's degree takes about four years to complete, and graduate degrees add to that time substantially, it means that you have to commit a lot of your life toward your qualification. While this may seem like a lot of commitment to agree to, the reality is that the majority of bachelor's degree programs and graduate degree programs cannot be done in a short time.

If this time dedication is required for almost all qualifications, why not invest the time into a degree that will ultimately allow employers to invest in you? When you consider the earning potential that you could earn when you have a qualification behind your name, it makes this time worthwhile.

If you are unsure about whether or not you are willing to study full-time for multiple years before entering the workforce, and if your financial constraints don't allow for you to be a full-time student, then perhaps you could consider pursuing your degree on a part-time basis whereby you work and study at the same time.

Too Much Information

The field of business administration in itself has greatly outgrown the borders that once confined the idea of what business used to be. There is a lot of information about business processes and business strategies, and there is a lot of information pertaining to each of the multiple facets of business. This makes it nearly impossible to learn everything you can about the subject.

Also, because business is constantly adapting, it makes it extremely difficult to find and master one way of conducting business. It is nearly impossible to run a business today the way you did 50 years ago, and one-man bands in terms of business almost rarely exist these days.

Therefore, despite business administration degrees being so overarching, it is important to choose a field of specialty within this degree, one that will help you further and grow your career in a realistic yet achievable way.

This also means that if two people study business administration, chances are that they will not be learning the same thing and the content can be very different in terms of the coursework and what each person learned.

A Competitive Field

With business administration being a common degree, you may find that when you show up for an interview at an organization, you won't be the only one with your qualification applying or interviewing for that role.

And while there are many jobs available in the field, there are many people who could easily fill those roles. You can resolve this problem by making yourself stand out from the rest by adding other extracurricular activities to your resume.

Prolonged Waiting Times

If you are pursuing a business administration degree to start up your own business venture, you may have to wait a long time to see any results or to see anything come to fruition in your business. You may only see a turnover or a profit after years of running your business, making this a long-term investment that doesn't necessarily yield immediate results.


Do The Pros Of A Business Administration Degree Outweigh The Cons?

When you consider that each disadvantage can easily be mitigated if you are really motivated to pursue this degree, and if you consider how great the advantages of this degree are, how versatile it is, and how beneficial it is for your career and your future, the pros of a business administration degree definitely seem to outweigh the cons.


If you are passionate about business and this is the investment in yourself and your career that you are hoping to make, it is really unlikely that the few cons would dissuade you from pursuing your passion. If you are hoping to make an effective contribution to any organization, even if it is your own venture, pursue a business administration degree with vigor and enthusiasm and you will be sure to succeed.

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